“In an enchanting woodland area of Shikoku, known to locals as...
“In an enchanting woodland area of Shikoku, known to locals as the “glowing forest,” mushrooms and fallen leaves emit a magical light for just a short period of time each year.”(via NHK WORLD TV |...
View ArticleWake and bake. Then snuggling with the kitty!
Wake and bake. Then snuggling with the kitty!
View ArticleAt what point do you tell the person you’ve been seeing that you are...
At what point do you tell the person you’ve been seeing that you are medicated for depression and anxiety?
View ArticleAre you serious? Can you not be shady for like a minute?
Are you serious? Can you not be shady for like a minute?
View ArticleI’ve had Mr. Jailer stuck in my head all morning. So I...
I’ve had Mr. Jailer stuck in my head all morning. So I guess that led to prison chic?
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